Dr. Tahira Khanam is a well-known person in medical fraternity in Jammu & Kashmir in fields of Medical Education as also in the realm of primary, secondary & Higher Education. Her contribution in fields mentioned above have provided to young and old a greatly needed initiative for raising institutions of learning and medical care needed for bringing all-round improvement in the quality of health & education of the people of J&K; and the region of Kashmir in particular which has gone through tough times for decades.
Dr. Tahira Khanam has the distinction of being amongst the first Muslim Doctors who qualified as a Gynecologist way back in 1956 from Gwalior. She became a messiah for the needy in the field of Gynecology and child welfare. Her name and fame spread and persons from all sections of the population availed off the healing touch she offered.
Read MoreKhanams is a household name in J&K and the organization became synonymous for the service it renders to needy public in fields of medicineand education.
Khanam's Charitable Trust is a household name in J&K and the organization became synonymous for the service it renders to needy public in fields of medicine and education.